The Basics
Fernandina Volcano in the Galapagos islands is a shield volcano. A bassaltic shield volcano is a large volcano with shallow sloping sides. Shield volcanoes are formed by lava flows of a low viscosity. This type of volcano is built up over time as the lava buildup increases and is shaped like a "turtle back". Many of the largest volcanoes in the world are shield volcanoes, including the Galapagos islands. Fernandina volcano is located on top of a hot spot on the Nazca plate on the western coast of Ecuador in South America. A hot spot is a large spot below the Earth's crust that has a high temperature due to lava flow. Meaning, there is a lot of seismic activity underneath Fernandina, causing a lot of eruptions. In fact Fernandina is the most active volcano in all of the Galapagos Islands.
Geological Location
The Galapagos islands are located in the Pacific ocean, 1000 km straight west of mainland Ecuador. Nineteen main islands spread over 50000 km2 to make up the archipelago. The Galapagos islands are actually peaks of underwater volcanoes, rising up from the hot spot in the center of the Nazca plate. Fernandina is the youngest and most active of all the islands, which is still being built and erupting continuously and is located at coordinates 0.37S91.55W
Fernandina Plate Boundary: Nazca Plate
Eruption Style
Enviornmental Dangers
1. What type of volcano is Fernandina?
2. How is this type of volcano formed?
3. What is unique about the position the volcano is in terms of the tectonic plate?
4. How does Fernandina effect the world?
5. Where is this volcano located in the world?
2. How is this type of volcano formed?
3. What is unique about the position the volcano is in terms of the tectonic plate?
4. How does Fernandina effect the world?
5. Where is this volcano located in the world?